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Complete Guide To Learn Solidity

Complete Guide To Learn Solidity

Ready to learn Solidity? Whether you are a smart contract developer or simply want to add better understanding of the programming language to your toolbelt, this guide provides everything that you need to get started. Ready to learn Solidity? What is Solidity?...
Top 5 Smart Contract Use Cases

Top 5 Smart Contract Use Cases

A smart contract is a self-executing contract with the terms of the agreement between buyer and seller being directly written into lines of code. The code and the agreements contained therein exist on the blockchain network. Smart contracts allow for the automation of...
Specifying SPDX License In Solidity

Specifying SPDX License In Solidity

The SPDX (Software Package Data Exchange) License List is a widely recognized collection of commonly used licenses for open-source software. You should always include an SPDX license in Solidity files. It provides a standard way to identify and describe the licenses...