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Solidity: Uint vs Uint256 Explained

Solidity: Uint vs Uint256 Explained

In Solidity, the uint and uint256 types are both used to represent unsigned integers (numbers that are greater than or equal to zero). There is no difference between uint vs uint256. Put simply… uint: The uint type represents an unsigned integer with a size of...
Using `console.log` In Solidity

Using `console.log` In Solidity

If you’re a developer, you’re very used to printing out values to the console. Fortunately, there is a way to use console.log in Solidity. “console.log” is a commonly used debugging tool in programming languages such as JavaScript, and it can...
Events in Solidity

Events in Solidity

Events in Solidity are a critical piece of smart contract development. They are messages that the contract fires during a transaction. Events are used to allow contract code to emit log data that can be recorded on the blockchain. Events are typically used to allow...